Windows 8.1 is the operating system of the Windows NT family, manufactured by Microsoft, the next after the release of Windows 8 and before Windows 10. Compared to Windows 8, it has a number of updates and improvements aimed at making the work with the graphical interface easier.
On this page you can find information about how to activate Windows 8.1 for free. You can make your system licensed in several ways, either using a working license key or downloading Windows 8.1 activator and activating it for a few seconds. There are many different programs for activation on the internet, but not all of them are working and free.
Activate Windows 8.1 with product key
You could buy the product key, and you can find a free one. There are a lot of them in the internet, including our website, but no one knowns when they will expire. Therefore, this method is not preferable for those who value their time.
Delay the activation up to 120 days
You can use the right to defer activation for 30 days absolutely legally, (you can use it 3 times, in the period of 120 days). In order to do so:
- Run the command prompt with administrator privileges (the easiest way is to right-click on the Start menu). Type (or copy) the following command:
Cscript% windir% \ system32 \ slmgr.vbs -rearm - Restart the computer.
The notification of the need to activate the system will be gone for 30 days (after which the operation can be repeated). Using this method, you will resolve the issue of Windows 8.1 activation legally for 4 months.
How to Activate Windows 8.1 with activator
We have gathered only programs, which can 100%, help you activate your OS. One of such programs is KMSauto NET. It’s difficult to overestimate its popularity. With its help, hundreds of thousands of users solved the problem of Windows activation once and for all. The activator works both for x64 and x32 versions and with it you can activate Windows 8.1 pro 32/64 bits, as well as enterprise 32/64 bits.

Advantages of the activator before the license key:
- Activate Windows 8.1 for FREE
- High activation rate
- Low probability that activation will crash
- The function of backup and restoration of Windows activation (in case you have already activated it on the phone)
- Activation of both Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Office
- You can activate Win 8.1 for good
Win 8.1 activator free download
When trying to run the program, some antivirus programs perceive the program as dangerous. There’s nothing odd about this. If this occurs, just disable the protection during the time of activation.
>> Download KMSAuto Net activator << |